The background problem of this research is the lack of leadership influence of the principal in organizing school
institutions and the quality of education in Indonesia is low. As the head of an educational institution, the principal is required to
be able to formulate various policies related to the implementation of the school's vision and orientation in creating effective and
efficient education.
This study aims to analyze and describe the influence of the principal's leadership on the quality of elementary school
education in Kelapa Dua District, Tangerang Regency. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is an influence
of the leadership of the school principal on the quality of elementary school education in Kelapa Dua District, Tangerang Regency.
The researcher chose a public elementary school in Kelapa Dua District, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province, because the
principal's leadership and the quality of education were not optimal. The method used in this study was the ex post facto
quantitative method with a total population of 23 public elementary schools with a total of 292 teachers and the sample was taken
using a proportional random sampling technique to 74 people. Data collected by questionnaire technique. The hypotheses were
formulated and tested using regression analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The results showed that the principal's leadership has
a strong influence on the quality of education. This is evidenced by knowing the correlation coefficient of 0.957 or 95.7%. Partially,
the principal's leadership has a positive and significant influence on the quality of education. This shows that the higher the
leadership of the principal will improve the quality of education in elementary schools in Kelapa Dua District, Tangerang Regency.
Principal Leadership, Quality of Education
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