The Influence of School Leadership, Educational Infrastructure, and Organizational Culture on Teacher Performance
1Ignatius Hendrianto,2Sina Setyadi,3Tanto Gatot Sumarsono
1Master of Management Student, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
This study aims to describe the principal's leadership, educational infrastructure, organizational culture and teacher performance at the Dhira Bhakti Malang Foundation; analyze the influence of the principal's leadership on teacher performance at the Dhira Bhakti Malang Foundation; analyze the effect of educational infrastructure on teacher performance, and analyze the influence of organizational culture on teacher performance at the Dhira Bhakti Malang Foundation. The population of this research is the number of teachers at the Dhira Bhakti Malang Foundation 110 teachers. Sample research object using a census. After distributing the questionnaire, only 70 respondents returned. The collected data is processed with a multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show Principal leadership and educational infrastructure have no significant effect on teacher performance. Meanwhile, organizational culture has a significant effect on teacher performance.
leadership of school principals, educational infrastructure, organizational culture, and teacher performance
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