What is the Theory of Turnover Intention in Human Resource Management? A Bibliometric Analysis.
1Muhizan Tamimi,2Madziatul Churiyah,3Arief Noviarakhman Zagladi
1,2,3Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
This bibliometrics review aims to synthesize several studies related to turnover intention in human resource management. The methodology designed to analyze bibliometrics in this research involves two stages: the selection of research document sources and bibliometric analysis. The research sources were selected through a systematic search of articles in the Scopus database. A total of 8738 data were filtered using data inclusion criteria so that 558 data were obtained that were by the eligibility standards. There are four images that illustrate the research trends related to turnover intention. The first image shows the increasing trend from 2019 to 2023. The second image depicts the most highly cited journals. The third image represents the mapping of collaborations among authors. And the last image pertains to the variables most frequently associated with turnover intention.
Turnover, Turnover Intention, Human Resource Management, Bibliometric.
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