Analysis of Business Development Strategies for know Small Business in Kediri
Sri Utami Hanggondosari, SE, MM
Faculty of Economics, University of Pawyatan Daha, Kediri
This research is motivated by the fact that internal and external factors in a business are important components in the development of small businesses in rural areas. The main objective of this study was to determine the internal factors that became strengths and weaknesses and external factors that became opportunities and threats in small businesses in rural areas. After knowing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, you can analyze business development strategies for small businesses in rural areas. This study used small tofu entrepreneurs in Tinalan Village, Pesantren District, Kediri Regency, as the sample using Simple Random Sampling on all tofu small entrepreneurs as the population with a determination of 30 respondents. This data is analyzed using the Internal External (IE) Matrix and Market Share Growth Matrix. Based on the results of the research, it shows the following conditions: (1) That the business development that needs to be done to determine the strategy for the small business is an Intensive Strategy that focuses on increasing the competitive position through existing products. (2) Whereas the test results of market share growth analysis show a value above the benchmark, which is 10%. Thus the results of this study can be used as a policy basis in knowing internal and external environmental aspects so that they can analyze development strategies for small businesses in rural areas.
Internal Environment, External Environment, Market Share Growth Matrix, Intensive Strategy
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