The Role of Attitude in Mediating the Influence of Perceived Usefulness on Intention to Use Nagari Mobile Banking
1Yofina Mulyati,2Alvin Alfian,3Asnimar
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business, Dharma Andalas University
3Alumni of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Andalas University,Padang-Indonesia
The growth of the banking industry is increasing rapidly, this has resulted in increasingly intense competition between these banks. One of them is using mobile banking services. This Mobile Banking service is to answer the needs of society in the digital era to carry out a number of financial transactions for customers who want convenience. Where the use of technology in banking refers to the theory of technology acceptance model (Technology Acceptance Model or TAM) which is a model of acceptance of information technology systems that will be used by customers in the form of using mobile banking applications. This study aims to determine the role of attitude in mediating the effect of perceived usefulness on intention to use Nagari Mobile Banking (Case Study on Customers of Bank Nagari Main Branch). The population is all customers using Nagari Mobile Banking banking services at Bank Nagari Main Branch with a total sample of 100 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method. Data analysis using SEM-Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the research are as follows, perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on customer attitudes in using Nagari Mobile Banking, perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on intention to use Nagari Mobile Banking, customer attitude has a significa nt positive effect on intention to use Nagari Mobile Banking, and Perceived usefulness has a significant positive effect on the intention to use Nagari Mobile Banking which is mediated by the customer's attitude.
Perceived Usefulness, Intention to Use, Attitude
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