Implementation of Human Based Participatory Environmentalism through Ecology (Tourism Sector) and Es (Economic Sector) for Protecting Marine Ecological Pollution
1Siti Aisyah,2Edi Jusriadi,3Nur. Fitrianti
1,2,3Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
In research, the implementation of participatory environmentalism based on human ecology can overcome the four problems that will be analyzed and solved through
the TS (tourism sector) and ES (economic sector) programs. the implementation of participatory environmentalism emphasizes how important it is to be an
independent society in the ES (economic sector) by utilizing its natural wealth primarily in the maritime sector, and the importance of participation from
various parties to share space with nature, caring for sea and air ecosystems. What is expected from the program is the creation of an ecological 'balance'
between humans and nature, as well as the establishment of an 'independent society' in terms of economy and health. In developing the TS (tourism sector)
the program is carried out through several important steps, such as making a grand plan, seeking outsourcing mediation, implementing knowledge management,
capacity building.
Community empowerment program with the development of TS and ES based on the tourism sector and the economic sector. The tourism sector is able to revive
the economy of the surrounding community. The tourism sector is also positioned as an important means of introducing the culture and natural beauty of the area
concerned. The tourism sector is a source of income that can be continuously renewed and rejuvenated, this form of rejuvenation of tourist areas can be in the
form of renovations and regular maintenance. The economic sector in the tourism sector is a long economic chain (Multiplier effect), starting from travel
agencies, transportation services, hotels, restaurants, scouting activities, folk crafts, maintenance of tourist objects and so on. Furthermore, the economic
sector will also require agricultural, livestock, fishery products and a number of workers can also be absorbed in it as a support for the success of this chain.
1. Implementation 2. Participatory 3. Environmentalism 4. (Tourism Sector) 5. Es (Economic Sector)
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