Evaluation of the Commitment with Industrial Cleaning Service Firms of Workers
Pham Van Hieu
Hanoi University of Business and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
My study aims to analyze and assess the commitment with industrial cleaning service firms of workers, to bring comprehensive insight about organization of the personnel department in firms. The evaluation was carried out by applying qualitative methodology and quantitative methodology to the research results and based on survey results of workers of industrial cleaning service firms. Overall, the study has identified and measured nine (9) attributes of the commitment with industrial cleaning service firms of workers that have great effects on workers. There is not, statistically, significant difference in the level of the commitment industrial cleaning service firms of workers exchange from these different work experiences and gender. Based on the research findings, there are recommendations regarding in order to improve the commitment with industrial cleaning service firms of workers.
commitment with the firm, worker, labour, employment, industrial cleaning service firms
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