The Influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment towards Organizational Performance of the Military Sealift Command in Developing the National Sea Transportation Mediated by Dynamic Capability
1Irvansyah,2Willy Arafah,3Dedi Martadisastra
The main objective of this study is to analyze organizational culture and organizational commitment to the organizational performance of the Military Sealift Command in fostering the potential of national sea transportation mediated by dynamic capability. The research was carried out on warships in the Military Sealift Command’s fleet, the object of research comes from the Staff Officers of the Military Sealift Command’s Command Headquarters’ staff officers, officers and the crew of the Indonesian Warships in the Military Sealift Command’s fleet, totaling to 252 subjects. The data obtained is analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with SPSS version 22.0 and Smart PLS version 3. The findings of this study show that the direct organizational culture, organizational commitment, dynamic capability demonstrates that hypotheses affect the Organizational performance of the Military Sealift Command. The results of the study also demonstrate that there is an influence of the organizational culture and organizational commitment affect towards dynamic capability. While the results of the indirect hypothesis also have an effect, namely organizational culture and organizational commitment towards organizational performance of the Military Sealift Command which is mediated by dynamic capability. The results of this research can be implemented especially in organizational culture so that it can contribute to social change by creating more growth opportunities resulting, thereby providing assistance to society. It is necessary to have an organizational culture that has been implemented at the Military Sealift Command in its capacity as the sole supervisor of national sea transportation, applied to the national civilian fleet. In its service, the Military Sealift Command will always be ready to support the logistics transportation program to distribute government or private assistance to all corners of the country. So far, the distribution of disaster logistical assistance or other assistance from the central government or the private sector to those in need in the country has barely involved the national civilian fleet.
organizational culture, organizational commitment, dynamic capability and organizational performance
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