The Effect of Communication, Work Motivation and Physical Work Environment on Employee Work Spirit at Puri Sukawati Tourism Destination
1Ayu Tika Kurniawati,Ni Putu,2Paramananda, N.,3Krisna Gangga Dewi, Anak Agung Istri
1,2,3Faculty Of Economy and Business, Warmadewa University, Bali - Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effects of communication, work motivation, and physical work environment on the work ethos of tourism workers in Puri Sukawati. This type of research is a kind of descriptive research. As for the study design, causal quantitative studies will be used. The subjects of this research were employees of Wisata Puri Sukawati. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling with a saturated sample because all employees were sampled with a total of 48 employees as respondents. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS. The results showed that communication, work motivation, and the physical work environment together had a significant positive effect on employee morale by 72.9%. Partial communication can increase morale at Puri Sukawati Tourism by 23.46%. In addition, work motivation can also partially increase employee morale at Puri Sukawati Tourism by 37.51%. Likewise, the physical work environment partially has a positive influence on the morale of Wisata Puri Sukawati employees by 32.77%. Therefore, communication, work motivation and the physical work environment can increase work spirit for Wisata Puri Sukawati employees.
Communication, work motivation, physical work environment, employee work spirit
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