Financial Distress Analysis as an Effort to Find out the Financial Condition of (Studi Pada Koperasi Unit Desa Gampengrejo II Kabupaten Kediri)
Riyanah, Nana Romaha
Universitas Pawyatan Daha
The aim of this study is to predict financial distress in Gampengrejo KUD in 2018-2021 in lending. The research method uses Zmijewski. The analysis to be measured is ROA, DER and CR. The results of this study are the prediction of financial distress in KUD Gampengrejo in 2018-2021 in providing credit to customers with different results. In 2018 Zmijewski's value was 0.067 or 0.067 > 0, this means that the company is in an unhealthy financial condition and is at risk of bankruptcy. In 2019, Zmijewski's value was -0.155 or -0.155 < 0, this means that the company is in a healthy financial condition and is not experiencing financial difficulties or is in danger of going bankrupt. In 2020, Zmijewski's value is 0.270 or 0.270 > 0, this means that the company is in financial distress. In 2021 Zmijewski's value is 0.492 or 0.492 > 0, this means that the company is in an unhealthy financial condition and is at risk of bankruptcy.
financial difficulties, finance, Zmije
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