Islamic Economic Concepts Perspective of Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Al-Ghazali: A Comparative Study
Fitriyatul Amani
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
This research departs from the rule of fiqhiyah which states that sharia must bring benefits to the ummah. In relation to the Islamic economy, this can be realized in the policies of a leader who must be oriented towards the benefit of the ummah, both materially and spiritually. In this case, Abu Yusuf and al-Ghazali in his book describes the problem. Therefore, this research aims to reveal the concept of Islamic economics from the two figures raised. By using a qualitative library research methodology (Library Research). The data analysis technique uses a comparative descriptive historical approach. This research resulted in the conclusion that in his book, Abu Yusuf laying the foundations of fiscal policy based on the concept of justice and al-maslahah al-'ammah (public benefit). Opinion Abu Yusuf has similarities with what was described by Imam al-Ghazali namely the basis of the policies that must be set by the authorities is solely for maslahah al-din wa al-dunya (good / benefit in this world and the hereafter).
Islamic Economics, Abu Yusuf, Al-Ghazali.
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