Analysis of The Influence of Application Design, Customer Service, Security/Privacy, and Fulfillment Towards Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Trust as Intervening Variable on The Customers of Shopee Application in Medan, Indonesia
1Winar Sari Valencia,2Ronald Suryaputra,3Amelia
1,2,3Economics and Business School, Pelita Harapan University, Surabaya, Indonesia
This study is conducted to analyze the influence of application design, customer service, security/privacy, and fulfillment towards customer loyalty through customer satisfaction and customer trust as intervening variable on the customers of Shopee in Medan, Indonesia. This study is conducted on 275 respondents with the characteristics of male and female, ranging from 18-60 by age, lives in Medan, and has conducted transaction using Shopee Application at least twice in the past year. This study is conducted by adopting quantitative approach with causal- comparative research method. The result of this study which is obtained from the Structural Equation Model (SEM) by AMOS software version 22.0 shows that application design has significant influence towards customer satisfaction, application design has no significant influence towards customer trust, customer service has no significant influence towards customer satisfaction, customer service has significant influence towards customer trust, security/privacy has no significant influence towards customer satisfaction, security/privacy has significant influence towards customer trust, fulfillment has significant influence towards customer satisfaction, fulfillment has significant influence towards customer trust, customer satisfaction has significant influence towards customer loyalty, and customer trust has significant influence towards customer loyalty.
Application Design, Customer Service, Security/Privacy, Fulfillment, Customer Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
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