Integrating Input/Output Analysis and Green Technological Innovation to Enhance Sustainable Performance in Economic Units
1Batool Jasim Muhamed,2Prof. Dr. Abbas Nawar Almusawi
1,2Wasit University/ College of Admin. and Econ./ Iraq- Wasit
The research aimed to improve the level of sustainable performance in the economic units, especially the industrial ones. This is done by studying and analyzing the theoretical foundations and knowledge foundations for each of the input / output analysis and green technological innovation and evaluating the level of application of the Iraqi industrial economic units for them by choosing the Al-Zawraa General Company in Baghdad as a place for research. That company is one of the subsidiaries of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals. An applied study was conducted on the company for the period (2020-2021). The extent of its use of green technology in its production and operational processes was evaluated by relying on sustainable performance indicators. The efficiency of natural and human resources, waste, air emissions, and water pollution were analyzed and diagnosed for solar photovoltaic energy systems, cost accounting by (IOA), and fault handling and sustainable performance improvement by (GTI). The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which was the suffering of the company under study from the lack of central government support for it and the failure to provide sufficient financial allocations for the application of green technology innovations. There are also no current or future visions for dealing with the waste and emissions caused by solar energy systems after the end of their lifespan. The application of (IOA) and (CTI) enables the economic unit in question to achieve many sustainable advantages, including: saving natural resources and improving the efficiency of their use, reducing costs, increasing market share and maximizing its profits, providing environmentally friendly products and services of high quality and efficiency, creating A supportive environment for creative ideas, supporting the process of sustainable decision-making, enhancing sustainable competitive advantages, contributing to preparing sustainable reports by diagnosing environmental, creative and other sustainable costs, and then improving its level of sustainable performance.
input/output analysis, green technological innovation, sustainable performance.
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