Rice Marketing Strategy in Increasing Sales to Rice Factory Group (Poktan) Parung Kembang, Jasinga District, Bogor District
1Prasetyo Hadi,2 Iwan Kresna,3Alfatih S.Manggabarani,4Jaka Afrianto
1,2,3,4Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
This study aims to determine what marketing strategies are approprite to be applied in increasing sales at the Poktan Parung Kembang rice factory. In this study, the type of research used is descriptive qualitative based on the results of the IFAS and EFAS SWOT analysis, using data collection techniques through interviews, observation, questionnaires and documentation. Researchers conducted interviews directly in the field with three resource persons or informants. The results obtained from this study are; Currently, the Poktan Parung Kembang rice factory produces three types of rice products with varied prices and packaging, which is the focus of the marketing strategy of the Poktan Parung Kembang rice factory in increasing product sales by implementing the 4P strategy, namely product strategy, price strategy, place/distribution strategy, and promotion strategy. However, the main 2 focus of the Poktan Parung Kembang rice factory in carrying out its marketing activities is the personal selling method to consumers, especially to those closest to them, so they have not massively used social media as the main means for promotional activities. Based and results of the SWOT analysis obtained, the Poktan Parung Kembang rice factory is in quadrant one, which supports the implementation of an aggressive strategy.
Marketing Strategy, Sales, Parung Kembang Poktan Rice Factory
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