The Effect of Discipline and Work Environment on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction as Mediation Variable
1Catur Setianingrum,2Susi Widjajani, 3Agus Saur Utomo,4Ridwan Baraba,5Algifari
1,2,3,4Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia
5STIE YKPN Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to investigate the relationship between discipline and work environment on employee performance, as well as the mediating function that job satisfaction has in both relationships. Purposive sampling was used in the sampling technique, and provided 139 employees of the Purworejo Regency Food Security and Agriculture Agency as respondents. A questionnaire with multiple choice answers on a Likert scale is used to collect data. Using the Smart PLS for analyzing the data, the result shown that job satisfaction has been moderated the direct relationship between discipline and the workplace environment and employee performance. These findings suggest that if the work environment of the Purworejo Regency Food Security and Agriculture Service employees improves, such as through the provision of facilities that are sufficiently complete and adequate, the environment is clean, the atmosphere of the workspace is calm, the arrangement of rooms is in accordance with needs, and relationships with coworkers are amicable, then some will increase employee satisfaction at work, and job satisfaction will affect employee. Future research is suggested to include additional factors including organizational culture, employee motivation, leadership, loyalty, or commitment
Discipline; Work Environment; Employee Performance; Job Satisfaction
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