Boosting Employee Performance Through Work Condition,Work
Content,Career Development, on Work Motivation as Mediation
Edward Efendi Silalahi
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
Human resources are one of the most important assets of an organization. In other words, success something organization very depends on performance his employees. By because that's it, manager and expertstry for determine factor what most influences employee motivation. This research aims to analyze the influence of working conditions, content work, and development career to wok motivation and performance. Respondent in this study chosen with using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method as many as 13 5 employees. Based on research results shows an R Square (R2) value of only 0.396. This can be explained by the influence caused by working conditions, job content, career development and work motivation. There is a significant positive influence from working conditions, content work, development career and work motivation together to performance HR.
work conditions, work content, career growth, work motivation and performance
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