The Influence of Service Quality, Product Quality and Trust on Customer Loyalty of CV. Ferdi Mandiri
1Rodi, 2Soleh Ahmad, 3Febliansa M. Rahman
1,2,3Department Magister Management, Faculty Economics and Business, Dehasen University , Bengkulu, Indonesia
The current study aimed to examine the influence of service quality, product quality and trust on customer loyalty at CV. Ferdi Mandiri Utama in the city of Bengkulu. A quantitative approach and survey methods were used to collect data. Internet network customers at CV. Ferdi Mandiri Utama in the city of Bengkulu was used as a sample in this research. Using a questionnaire, data was collected from 150 internet network customers at CV. Ferdi Mandiri Utama in the city of Bengkulu. Multiple regression analysis was used to test this research hypothesis. The research results statistically show that: (1) service quality has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty, if the better the service quality, the better the customer loyalty; (2) the quality of the product used has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty, if the better the product quality, the better the customer loyalty; (3) trust in use has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty, if the higher the trust, the better the customer loyalty; (4) service quality, product quality and trust together have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. If the service quality, product quality and trust are better, the better the customer loyalty will be. Service quality, product quality and trust can influence customer loyalty by 23.1%. The remaining 76.9% is explained/influenced by variables outside the model..
Service quality, Service quality, Trust, Customer loyalty
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