The Influence of Saving Behavior on Retirement Preparation Period Through Financial Literacy, Retirement Funds as a Mediating Variable for LPP RRI Malang Employees
1Yesita Eringgar Resani, 2Sugeng Haryanto, 3Sari Yuniarti
1Student of Postgraduate Magister Management, Universitas of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
In order to minimize employees' fear of retirement, the aim of the research is to determine the influence of financial literacy, old age financial planning and saving behavior which is supported by control variables consisting of gender, education and income. The population of this study were ASN LPP RRI Malang employees. The sample in this study used 80 employees. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses SEM-PLS. Based on research results from the data obtained, it shows that financial literacy and financial planning have no effect on retirement readiness. This shows that perhaps employees understand but still do not take advantage of the financial products around them and in managing their finances they do not only think about retirement readiness but also think about consumption and the needs of school children. Meanwhile, saving behavior influences retirement readiness. The existence of supporting income control variables can influence retirement readiness. This shows that existing habits can be applied from childhood to adulthood or old age, that saving is very important for long-term life.or the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text.
Saving Behavior, Retirement Preparation Period, Financial Literacy, Retirement Funds, Demographic Factors
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