The Effect of Board Size, Board Independence, Board Diversity and CSR Committee on Sustainability Reporting
1Jasman Jasman, 2Inung Wijayanti, 3Rizal Mawardi, 4Omar Wibisono
1,2,3,4Faculty of Economics and Business, Perbanas Institute
This research aims to examine the effect of board size, board independence, board diversity, and CSR committee on sustainability reporting. The population o this study Is listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sample are selected by using purposive sampling method for the period of 2016-2020. The results show that board independence and CSR committee have an effect on sustainability reporting. Meanwhile, board size and board diversity have no effect on sustainability reporting. The findings of this study suggest that the board of commissioner independence together with the audit committee have an important role in improving sustainability reporting.
board size, board independence, board diversity, CSR committee.
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