Management of Leftover Vegetable and Fruit Products on Company X Profits
1Ardhi Nata Kusumah, 2Teguh Soedarto, 3Dona Wahyuning Laily
1,2,3Master of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur
This study aims to investigate the management of leftover vegetable and fruit products and their impact on the profitability of a specific agribusiness company, Company X. The research objectives include understanding the quantity and characteristics of the leftover vegetables and fruits, and analyzing the factors influencing the amount of waste. The population of this study consists of employees of Company X, with a sample size of 100 individuals selected through a purposive sampling method. The research methodology includes data collection through interviews, observations, and questionnaires, followed by multiple linear regression analysis, data quality tests, and descriptive analysis. The operational definitions and variables of the study are clearly defined, and the collected data is analyzed using various methods. The results of the study reveal significant factors influencing the amount of waste product at Company X. The study also provides a comprehensive description of the company's procurement, storage, and sales processes, highlighting the challenges faced in these areas. The discussion includes an analysis of the cost and revenue associated with the leftover vegetables and fruits, providing valuable insights into the company's waste management practices and their impact on profitability. This research contributes to the existing literature on food waste management and offers practical benefits for Company X and similar agribusiness companies.
Management, Leftover of vegetable and fruit products, Advantages
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