The Influence of Pro-Environmental Behavior, Lifestyle and Eating Behavior of Consumers on Food Waste and Loss Prevention Behavior Mediated by Environmental Awareness of Star Hotel Consumers in Padang City
1Dara Rizky Untari, 2Sari Lenggogeni, 3Verinita
1Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Andalas University, Padang-Indonesia
2,3Lecturer in the Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Andalas University, Padang-Indonesia
This research aims to determine The Influence of Pro-environmental behavior, Lifestyle and Eating behavior of Consumers on Food waste and loss prevention behavior Mediated by Environmental Awareness of Star Hotel Consumers in Padang City. This research is explanatory research. The population in this study were all hotel guests who stayed and ate at star hotel restaurants in Padang City, with a sample size of 200 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method uses Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results of this research show that pro-environmental behavior has a negative and significant effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior. Meanwhile, lifestyle has no effect on behavior to prevent food waste and loss. then eating behavior and environmental awareness have a positive and significant effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior. However, after being mediated by environmental awareness variables, pro-environmental behavior and lifestyle had no effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior which was mediated by environmental awareness. Meanwhile, eating behavior has a positive and significant effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior which is mediated by environmental awareness. It is hoped that the results of this research will increase efforts in providing knowledge and awareness about these factors so that they can have a positive impact on food waste and loss prevention behavior, by conducting educational and counseling campaigns about the importance of pro-environmental behavior, environmentally friendly lifestyles, eating behavior. good practices, and environmental awareness in reducing food waste and loss.
Pro-environmental behavior, Lifestyle, Eating behavior, Environmental awareness, Food waste and loss prevention behavior
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