The Effect of Work Environment and Compensation on Employee Performance at PT Tirta Investama
1Abraham Yedija Bimantoro,2 Ika Korika Swasti
The purpose of this research is to explain the effect of the work environment and compensation on employee performance using the research object of PT Tirta Investama. This study uses a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires. The population in this study are distribution department employees of PT Tirta Investama. While the sample in this study were 56 respondents in the distribution department of PT Tirta Investama. All tests using the Smart PLS Application show that all tests get scores above the required values so that the tests are declared reliable. This study uses a data analysis design in the form of descriptive statistics and PLS analysis. The results of the study show that the influence of the work environment can affect the performance of employees of PT Tirta Investama, as well as compensation that can encourage the performance of employees of PT Tirta Investama.
Work Environment; Compensation; Employee Performance
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