The Influence of Shopping Experience and Customer Engagement on Customer Loyalty of Alfagift Users Through Customer Satisfaction at Alfamart, Turen District
1Laeli Chodriyah, 2Sugeng Haryanto, 3Harsono
1,2,3University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
This research aims to analyze the influence of shopping experience and customer engagement on customer satisfaction, analyze the influence of shopping experience and customer engagement on customer loyalty, analyze the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and analyze the influence of shopping experience and customer engagement on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. The sample in this study was 100 respondents. The data analysis technique uses path analysis. The analysis results show that shopping experience and customer engagement influence customer satisfaction. Shopping experience and customer engagement influence customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty. Shopping experience and customer engagement influence customer loyalty through customer satisfaction.
Shopping Experience, Customer Engagement, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction
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