Strategy of Human Resource Management Development in Increasing the Competitive Advantage of Small and Medium Enterprises (Case Study of MSMEs Lepo Lorun Ikat Weaving Center, Nita Village, Sikka Regency)
1Yohanes Chrisantus S. Moan Jawa, 2Triyonowati, 3Marsudi Lestariningsih
1,2,3Indonesia College of Economics (STIESIA) Surabaya, Indonesia
This research aims to determine and analyze SHRM strategies, which can achieve compatibility between business strategy and HR strategy, increase employee productivity and performance, increase employee satisfaction and engagement, and achieve competitive advantage in the competitive market of ikat woven micro, small and medium enterprises Lepo Lorun and knowing and analyzing the application of SHRM to improve human resources at Lepo Lorun MSMEs so that they have the ability to compete with every MSME in Sikka Regency. The type of research used is qualitative research which is generally carried out through a case study approach. The data analysis technique used in this research is historical analysis, data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. Lepo Lorun is also an ideal example of how culture is preserved by commercializing the culture itself. In the context of Lepo Lorun, its existence seems to save local cultural products such as weaving and other handicrafts. To develop the ikat weaving business, the Lepo Lorun group has several development strategies. These development strategies cover all production activities starting from the provision of raw materials, product diversification, weaving equipment and infrastructure, management organization, marketing and passing on weaving knowledge and skills. These development strategies aim to maintain and improve the quality of their production results.
Strategy, Human Resource Management Development, Competitive Advantage
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