Marketing Strategy for Black Tea Products Using SOAR Analysis at PT. Rolas Nusantara Mandiri Surabaya
1Fadia Hana No Kauri, 2Teguh Soedarto, 3Taufik Setyadi
1,2,3Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur
corresponding authors:Taufik Setyadi
Indonesia is recognized for its vast and fertile agricultural landscapes, encompassing a wide variety of crops, tea being one of them. The potential of cultivating tea in Indonesia is demonstrated by the presence of extensive state-owned plantations (SOP) and the multitude of tea beverage brands in the market. However, the high SOP production does not guarantee that the tea products produced by state-owned enterprises (SOE’s) will be recognized and have a strong brand in the minds of the Indonesian people. One such brand is Rolas Tea, managed by PT. Rolas Nusantara Mandiri, which has not been able to break into the top six brands in the Top Brand category for loose-leaf or bagged tea. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the appropriate marketing strategies to break into the top six brands. The research objectives are to analyze internal-external factors, formulate alternative marketing strategies for black tea products, and determine the priority and recommendation of marketing strategies. The research uses a qualitative and quantitative approach and is conducted in Surabaya. Four informants were purposively selected, and data were collected through primary and secondary sources. The analysis methods used include descriptive analysis, IFE and EFE matrices, the IE matrix for PT. RNM, SOAR analysis resulting in six alternative strategies, and the QSPM matrix. The research findings indicate that the IFE matrix score is 3.19 and the EFE matrix score is 3.58. The IE matrix places PT. RNM in quadrant I, the SOAR analysis yields six alternative strategies, and the QSPM matrix identifies strategy 3 as the top priority, which is market penetration with a TAS score of 8.00.
Marketing Strategy, Black Tea, IFE and EFE, IE, SOAR, and QSPM
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