Influential Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty among BTPN Jenius Mobile Banking User’s Factors
1Suharyanto, 2Rima Syafia, 3Saripudin
1,2,3Perbanas Institute Jakarta, Indonesia
Study This aim For now influence Trust Customer, Perception Convenience Use and Perception Security to Loyalty Customers of BTPN Jenius mobile banking users. Research design carried out that is study quantitative with method associative. Population study this is BTPN Jenius mobile banking users, meanwhile technique sample use purposive sampling sample with amount respondents as many as 100 people. Analytical tools used namely SPSS version 26. Results from study This show that Trust Customer, Perception Convenience Use and Perception Security influential positive and significant to Loyalty Jenius BTPN mobile banking customers.
Trust Customer, Perception Convenience Usage, Perception Security and Loyalty Customer
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