The Influence of Competency, Compensation and Work Environment on Performance with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable (Case Study of Agricultural Extension Instructors in Sikka Regency)
1Selfianus, 2Marsudi Lestariningsih, 3Budi Satrio
1,2,3Indonesia College of Economics (STIESIA) Surabaya, Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of competence on performance, determine and analyze the influence of compensation on performance, determine and analyze the influence of the work environment on performance, determine and analyze the influence of work motivation on performance, determine and analyze the influence of work motivation which mediates competence on performance, knowing and analyzing the influence of work motivation which mediates compensation on performance, and knowing and analyzing the influence of work motivation which mediates the work environment on the performance of agricultural instructors in Sikka Regency. The sample in this study was all 50 ASN agricultural instructors in Sikka Regency. The data analysis technique uses path analysis. The results of the analysis show that competence has no effect on performance. Compensation has no effect on performance. The work environment has no effect on performance. Motivation has no effect on performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of competency variables on employee performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of compensation variables on employee performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of work environment variables on performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of competency variables on employee performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of compensation variables on employee performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of work environment variables on performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of competency variables on employee performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of compensation variables on employee performance. Work motivation is able to act as an intervening variable or is able to mediate the influence of work environment variables on performance.
Competency, Compensation, Work Environment, Work Motivation, Performance
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