Analysis of Marketing Strategy in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Digital Era
1Arsih Amalia Chandra Permata, 2Agus Hermawan, 3Naswan Suharsono
1,2,3Doctoral Program, Faculty of Economics, State University of Malang
Technological developments and increasingly high business competition mean that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) must have good marketing strategies to remain competitive with their competitors. This research was conducted to determine the marketing strategies carried out by MSMEs in facing competition in the digital era. The research method in this study uses a qualitative approach through structured interviews with actors or top level management of MSMEs. The results of the research show that for the culinary, fashion, and tour and travel industries, they provide added value and differentiation in the products and services provided, while in terms of price, they apply competitive and competitive prices. In contrast to the trading industry, they mostly use competitive pricing strategies, apart from that they also have a target market that tends to focus on niche markets so that their products can be accepted by the market. The application of technology is also being used more widely in the culinary, fashion, and tour and travel industries through websites and social media to build good relationships and communicate with consumers and audiences.
Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix, MSMEs
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