Influence of Accuracy and Ease of Service Factors on Patient Satisfaction Through Trust for Patients at RSIA Mardi Waloeja Rampal in 2021 – 2023 Period
1Rr. Boedi Koesoemaningdijah, 2Harianto Respati, 3Sugeng Haryanto
1Student of Magister Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
This research aims to analyze the influence of accuracy and ease of service on patient satisfaction, analyze the influence of accuracy and ease of service on patient trust, analyze the influence of trust on patient satisfaction, and analyze the impact of accuracy and ease of service on patient satisfaction through trust at RSIA Mardi Waloeja Rampal. The sample in this study consisted of 109 respondents. The analysis technique used is Path Analysis. The results of the analysis show that accuracy and ease of service have an impact on patient satisfaction. Accuracy and ease of service also have an impact on patient trust. Patient trust has an impact on patient satisfaction. Accuracy and ease of service also have an impact on patient satisfaction through trust at RSIA Mardi Waloeja Rampal.
Accuracy, Ease, Trust, Patient Satisfaction
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