Factors Affecting Achievement Motivation of Employees at Post-Merger Commercial Bank in Vietnam
1Bui Thi Phuong Thao, 2Nguyen Thi Anh Tram, 3Ngo Quang Hung
1,2,3University of Labor and Social Affair
Implementing the Government's policy on restructuring the economy, including credit institutions, in the period 2011 - 2015, the project to restructure the commercial banking system was restarted drastically by the State Bank. Merger activities commercial banks have taken place extensively and are still being implemented. This study was conducted with the aim of clarifying the factors that affect the achievement motivation of employees at post-merger commercial bank employees in Vietnam. The research data was collected from 400 post-merger bank employees in Vietnam. Data analysis results show that the motivation to achcieve of employees at post-merger commercial banks is influenced by four factors (i) Personal factors, (ii) Relationship with managers and the role of managers, (iii) Job characteristics, (iv) Remuneration. On that basis, the research team proposes recommendations to help commercial banks effectively manage and utilize employees during work.
Achievement motivation, merger, post-merger commercial bank
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