Empathy Marketing Strategy for Female Head of Household Entrepreneurs in Indonesia
1Chusnul Rofiah, 2Mardi Astutik
1,2STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang
The phenomenon, which is often referred to as the feminization of poverty or poverty which increasingly has a female face, requires special efforts to handle it, resulting in a gender equality program, resulting in the establishment of the Poverty Feminization Prevention (PFK) program. Of the 602 KRTP recipients of the PFK program, there are several KRTPs who have succeeded in improving their family's economy and received awards as outstanding KRTPs. They can be said to be successful because their level of welfare has increased compared to before receiving assistance. The focus of this research is the Empathetic Marketing Strategy that has been implemented by Female Head of Household (KRTP) entrepreneurs in developing their business. This research uses a phenomenological paradigm with qualitative research methods and a phenomenological approach with a Simple Research With Triangulation Theory design (Rofiah, 2021). The research in determining the research location used a purposive area technique, using the female household head entrepreneur website in Jombang Regency, East Java with female household head entrepreneur informants. The informants determined in this research used purposive sampling followed by snowball sampling. The data collection techniques were observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used is the Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP) by (Rofiah, 2023). The findings in this research are the Empathetic Marketing Strategy of Female Head of Household Entrepreneurs; Principle 1: People understand; Principle 2: People understand people; Principle 3: People Understand People Together. Theoretical implications: empathy represents a reconceptualization of discipline marketing, academic side: Marketers can try to collaborate with various subdomains of the marketing field and participate in various conferences.
Marketing, Empathy, Female heads of household, poverty, feminization
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