Analysis of the Government's External and Internal Supervision Functions in Efforts to Improve the Performance of Regional Government Administration at the Assistant City Administration Inspectorate at the Provincial Inspectorate for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta
1Margaretha Elia, 2Veithzal Rivai Zainal, 3Azis Hakim
1Student Administrative Masters Program University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
2Professor Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
3Lecturer Master of Administrative Sciences University of Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
This research aims to determine and examine the influence of external and internal supervision both individually and jointly to improve the performance of Regional Government administration at the Assistant City Administration Inspectorate at the Provincial Inspectorate for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The research method uses a survey with a quantitative, correlational approach with a sampling technique that is Simple Random Sampling, which is said to be simple because the sampling of sample members from the population is carried out randomly without showing the strata that exist in the population. In this study, the number of samples was 54 respondents. The variables studied are external supervision (X1) and internal supervision (X2) as independent variables, while local government performance is the dependent variable (Y). Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that from the results of the discussion and research, namely: a) the results of the hypothesis test of the external monitoring variable on the performance of local government at the Assistant City Administration Inspectorate at the Provincial Inspectorate for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, it turns out that it has a strong and significant influence, this is shown by the correlation coefficient value of 0.762 and the calculated t-test of 8.493 > t table of 2.000. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is r 2 = 0.581 or 58.1%, this means that 58.1% of local government performance is determined by external supervision, and the remaining 41.9% is determined by other factors. b) Results of hypothesis testing of internal monitoring variables on regional government performance at the Assistant City Administration Inspectorate at the Provincial Inspectorate for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, turns out to have a strong and significant influence. This is shown by the correlation coefficient value of 0.738 and the calculated t-test of 7.878 > t table of 2.000. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is r 2 = 0.544, this means that 54.4% of regional government performance is determined by internal supervision, and the remaining 45.6% is determined by other factors. c) To test the hypothesis of multiple correlation of external and internal monitoring variables together on local government performance at the Assistant City Administration Inspectorate at the Provincial Inspectorate for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, it turns out to have a very strong and significant influence with a correlation coefficient value of 0.804 with a calculated F test of 46.558 > F table of 3.18. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination is R 2 = 0.646, this means that together, 64.6% of regional government performance is determined by external and internal supervision, and the remaining 35.4% is determined by other factors.
External Supervision, Internal Supervision, Performance
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