The Effect of Participatory Leadership Style and Work Motivation on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction at the Malang City District Office
1Marcella Felisitas Wadu, 2Boge Triatmanto, 3Sina Setiyadi
1,2,3University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
This study has at least four aims to carry out. Such as describing participatory leadership style, work motivation, employee job satisfaction, and employee performance. Also, analyze the effect of participatory leadership style and work motivation on employee job satisfaction. Examine the effect of participatory leadership style and work motivation on employee performance and analyze the effect of employee job satisfaction on employee performance at the sub-district office in Malang City. The population in this study were Civil Servants at the Malang City District Office, amounting to 114 employees. The sample was taken using the slovin formula because the respondents were more than 100 employees, so 88 employees became the object of the research. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results show that participatory leadership style and work motivation affect employee job satisfaction. Participative leadership style and work motivation affect employee performance. Also, employee job satisfaction affects employee performance. Participatory leadership style and work motivation affect employee performance through employee job satisfaction.
Participatory Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Employee Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
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