The Influence of Quantity and Quality of Human Resources on the Satisfaction of Service Users with Service Quality as an Intervening Variable in Ketawanggede Subdistrict, Malang
1Oky Setyawan, 2Sina Setyadi, 3Harianto Respati, 4Mokhamad Natsir
1,2,3,4Faculty of Economics and Human Resource Management, Universitas Merdeka Malang
This research aims to determine the influence of the quantity and quality of human resources on the quality of service in ketawanggede village, Malang city, as well as to describe and analyze the influence of the quantity of human resources and quantity of human resources through service quality on community satisfaction in ketawanggede village, Malang city. the quantitative method using path analysis showed that the results of partial regression testing showed that the variables quantity of human resources and quality of human resources had a significant effect on service quality, which could be proven statistically. the calculation results show that the direct influence of the quantity of human resources on community satisfaction is 0.271 and the indirect influence of the quantity of human resources on community satisfaction is 0.381, so this means that the indirect influence is greater than the direct influence, so it can be concluded that indirectly the quantity human resources through service quality have a significant effect on community satisfaction in ketawanggede village, Malang city so that hypothesis iii can be tested statistically. the results show that the quality of human resources on community satisfaction is 0.162 and the indirect influence of the quality of human resources on community satisfaction is 0.096, meaning that the indirect influence is smaller than the direct influence, so it can be concluded that indirectly the quality of human resources through service quality does not have a significant effect on community satisfaction in ketawanggede village, Malang city.
quality of human resources, quantity of human resources, quality of service, and service user satisfaction
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