Analysis of the Effectiveness of Banking Credit Risk Control with Macroprudential Policy in Indonesia
1Lenka Vanessa K Sibagariang, 2Tri Wahyu Rejekiningsih
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University
High credit risk will affect the health of the bank which will be a factor causing systemic risk. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of macroprudential policy in controlling banking credit risk in Indonesia. This research uses Non-Performing Loans (NPL) as an indicator of credit risk. Meanwhile, as indicators of macroprudential policy, policy instruments such as LTV (Loan to Value), RIM (Macroprudential Intermediation Ratio), DTI (Debt to Income), and COC (Ceilings on Credit). The analytical method used in this research is panel data regression analysis with a fixed effect model (FEM). The research results show that simultaneously each macroprudential policy instrument, be it RIM, DTI, and COC, influences banking credit risk in Indonesia, and easing policy on LTV is unable to reduce NPLs.
Credit Risk, Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Macroprudential Policy, Fixed Effect Model (FEM)
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