The Influence of Content Marketing and E-WOM on Customer Satisfaction through Brand Image in Content Creation Companies (Content Booster) in Malang City
1Lucky Dewi Purnama, 2Umu Khouroh, 3Mokhamad Natsir
1,2,3University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. In this study the results obtained from the assistance of the SmartPLS Version 4 2023 program show that of the 4 variables tested, the one with higher results has a significant value, namely the E-WOM Variable (X2). with a total average obtained of 4.62 from several indicators in which it supports the highest score, namely the Valence of Opinion indicator of 4.73 where from the questionnaire questions distributed by customers the focus focuses on positive and negative opinions of a customer product packaged by Content Booster as Content Marketing which can affect the level of trust and review ratings in content distributed through E-WOM media. After getting the results from the descriptive research and hypothesis testing that have been described in this study, we can conclude as follows: 1. The overall results of the research using the help of the Smart PLS 4 2023 program show that what dominates in this study is the E-WOM variable with an average value 4.62 which in the assessment has a very good and high meaning. Supported by the high average value of each indicator, namely Intensity 4.0, Valence of Opinion 3.96, Content 3.86, Tone 3.94 and Timing 4.02 we can conclude that from the acquisition of data processing the use of E-WOM is currently very much needed in managing business and marketing. In this case E-WOM cannot stand alone, it is still supported by several variables, namely Content Marketing, Brand Image, in obtaining Customer Satisfaction in this multimedia business.
Content Marketing, Content, E-WOM, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction
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