The Influence of Consumer Behavior, Perspectives and Types of Consumers in Purchasing Decision Making
University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
Purchasing or consumption can be said to be the main goal of consumer behavior. While purchases will occur because of the need and desire for the product. But not infrequently the purchase is not caused by a need and desire. Someone before making a purchase begins with a need and a desire (want). Buying activity is part of an effort to fulfill the urge of needs and desires. Need is a state that is felt not to exist in a person. Something that is not in a person. The experience decisionmaking perspective is carried out by consumers who have experience in understanding brands and products. For consumers, knowledge about brands and products is considered sufficient. So there is no need for a lot of information related to the use of brands and products. The influence of experience from using brands and products has an impact on the purchasing decisionmaking process. The introduction of the problem around how the experience of brand and product problems before. Information search process based on solving problems from previous purchases. Brand and product choices are based on the impact of previous experience. Consumer behavior in the purchasing decision process does not always follow a linear path in the consumption process. Linear flow in decision making starts from problem recognition, seeking information, evaluating information, purchasing, and evaluating after purchase. Because consumers have different attitudes and views on brands and products. There are several types of consumers based on consumer involvement. Consumer engagement with brands and products. Consumer involvement in assessing brand existence. It is a consumer effort to compare brands, loyalty to certain brands, even rejection of certain brands. Consumer involvement in a brand is a consumer evaluation of a brand that has been known and is being promoted by the seller.
Behavior, decision process, consumer type
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