Strategy for Strengthening Business Incubators in Higher Education Startup Assistance: Case Study of Unesa Business Incubator
1TItik Taufikurohmah, 2Nuzzila Rizki Fidarina,
1S1 Chemistry, Faculty Of Mathematics And Science, Surabaya State University
2S2 Magister Management, Faculty of Business and Economic, Airlangga University
This study aims to analyze the problems and constraints of Unesa's business incubator (PIBT) implementation in university startup assistance and to formulate Unesa's business incubator strengthening strategy in university startup assistance. This study uses a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data collection used questionnaires to the university academic community (Unesa) and in-depth interviews with several key persons who understand the development of university startups and business incubators. The study results show that the implementation of assistance for university startups (Unesa) is not optimal because there are still a few in the academic community who have the awareness to make efforts to commercialize their innovative products or conduct research toward product commercialization. For incubators, various reinforcements are needed to assist tenants and implement pre-incubation and incubation. Strengthening agencies in providing higher education startup assistance, such as coaching (BMC, Business Plans and Marketing Strategies) and assisting startups to obtain funding or investor.
Incubator business, entrepreneurship, strategic, assistance, management
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