Enhance Economic Village into a Digital Platform Tourism In-dustry: Case Study in Makasar Indonesia
1Ni Wayan Sri Aryani, 2Sherlinda Octa Yuniarsa
1Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana, Bali Province
2Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Brawijaya
Indonesia has a high level of community productivity. Where, in some corners of the rural areas still have little knowledge about the introduction of industrial digital products which in fact currently has become a necessity to always work. As people who work in rural areas, there is a gap that is less than the maximum, making sensitivity to economic progress stagnant. It is known when conducting a survey of several rural residents, that they are eager to move more actively in the diversity of business results that are produced directly by micro businesses and of course there is help from social entrepreneurs who are competent in their fields.
The methodology used conceptual method, in which several social entrepreneurs can provide assistance to some business people in a sensitive movement in the field of technology. This is influenced by several supporting factors such as, knowledge, experience, and expertise possessed by local residents through the economy.
As the digital economy continues, it was expected to be able to sustain the local community, and to be more active and crea-tive in developing micro businesses through the digital economic tourism industry. Where, output of the experiment is able to invite all young people, both social entrepreneurs and local communities to introduce rural areas, such as studying the environment by social media to support their product. Some of these concepts and applications, it can invite local residents, the general public, local government as well as the central government, and stakeholders to be able to work together maxi-mally, well structured, and balanced through adequate human resource needs with a youthful social community. It is hoped that this experiment can be immediately applied in increasing economic income in Indonesia.
social entrepreneur, economic industry, productivity
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