The Effect of Workload, Authoritarian Leadership, and Career Burnout on Work Loyalty and Employee Performance at PT Doran Sukses Indonesia
1Vian Ahmad Saputra,2Dr. Siti Mujanah,3Dr. I Dewa Ketut Raka Ardiana
1,2,3Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the effect of workload, authoritarian leadership and career burnout on work loyalty and employee performance at PT Doran Sukses Indonesia, which has recently experienced an increase in employee turnover. This is caused by several factors, which include a lot of workloads, the leadership style applied to subordinates tends to be authoritarian, and there is no guarantee for reciprocal career paths. Workload indicators are measured through working conditions, use of working time, and targets. Authoritarian leadership is measured through centralized decisions, detailed assignments, leader subjectivity, opinion only, lip service, and close supervision. Career burnout is measured through emotional exhaustion, being stuck at work, feeling unsatisfied, failing, and loathing at work. Work loyalty is measured through obedience, responsibility, dedication and integrity. Employee performance is measured by the quality and quantity of work, timeliness, effectiveness, and independence. This type of research is quantitative research. The sample of this research is 128 respondents which is the entire population of employees of PT. Indonesian Success Doran. The data analysis method used is SEM analysis using the AMOS program version 23.0.1. The validity and reliability tests were processed using SPSS, and showed good validity and met the reliability requirements. The results of the data analysis showed that workload, authoritarian leadership, and career burnout had a negative and significant effect on work loyalty. The three dependent variables also have a negative and significant effect on employee performance. Work loyalty has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The researcher's suggestion for the object of research is that it is better to make adjustments and balance the workload of employees.
Workload; Authoritarian Leadership; Career Burnout; Work Loyalty; Performance
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