The Influence of Customer Experience, Information Quality, and Service Innovation on Trust that Mediated by Repurchase Intentions on Conventional Taxis in Jakarta
1Aang Gunawan,2Farida Jasfar, 3Hamdy Hady,4Willy Arafah
1,2,3,4University of Trisakti, Jakarta
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of customer experience, information quality, and service innovation on repurchase intention mediated by trust in conventional taxi customers in Jakarta. Trust as mediation aims to strengthen repurchase intention to increase the desire to repurchase conventional taxi services in Jakarta.
In this study, a quantitative research method was used, and the hypothesis testing of the population used in this study was conventional taxi users registered at Soekarno Hatta airport in 2021. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique and 347 respondents who were conventional taxi customers. Data analysis used software Amos version 26 with the support of multivariate analysis method structural equation model version 8.80 in hypothesis testing.
The findings of this study are the direct effect of service innovation on repurchase intention is not supported. Meanwhile, the hypothesis of service innovation in forming repurchase intention is also not supported because conventional taxis already have a certain market, namely, customers aged between 40 to 55 years and are comfortable with the experience of using these conventional taxis. On the other site, another six-hypothesis direct effect are supported, and 2 indirect effects are also supported.
The implications of the results of this study are for conventional taxi companies to maintain and further improve excellent service quality, especially for conventional taxi customers in Jakarta who have experienced a customer experience with convenient, flexible, and fast service.
customer experience, information quality, service innovation, repurchase intention, trust, conventional taxis.
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