The Role of Work Motivation to Mediate the Quality of Human Resources and Work Culture towards the Performance of Non-Civil Servant Hindu Religious Counselor at the Ministry of Religion, Tabanan Regency
1Kadek Agus Yoga Dwipranata,2Putu Yudy Wijaya,3Ida Ayu Putu Widani Sugianingrat
1Student of Magister Manajement Program on Faculty of Business and Tourism Economics, University Hindu Indonesia, Indonesia, Jl. Sangalangit, Penatih, Kec. Denpasar Timur, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80238
2,3Faculty of Business and Tourism Economics, University Hindu Indonesia, Indonesia, Jl. Sangalangit, Penatih, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80238
This study aims to analyze the effect of quality human resources and work culture on the performance mediated by job motivation. The study population was all non-civil servant Hindu religious counselor at the Ministry Religion of Tabanan Regency, amounting to 65 people. The research methods using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis with Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis. The results showed that the quality of human resources, work culture, and motivation directly had a positive and significant effect on the performance of the instructor. The quality of human resources and work culture has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the instructor. Motivation is positively and significantly able to mediate the influence of the quality of human resources and work culture on the performance of non-civil servant Hindu religious counselor at the Ministry Religion of Tabanan Regency. The implication of the research is the need to increase the understanding of extension workers to their duties and awareness in complying with the regulations that apply to the organization. The research suggestion is to further improve the provision of seminars and training as an effort to increase the understanding of the instructor in carrying out his duties, as well as to provide strict sanctions for violating the regulations so that it can further improve the instructor's discipline and impact on improving the performance of the instructor.
Quality of Human Resources, Work Culture, Motivation, Performance
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