The Intention of East Java Agricultural Students for Becoming Entrepreneurs in the Agricultural Sector
1Yesi Mustika Ningsih,
2Nuriah Yuliati,
3Sri Tjondro Winarno
1,2,3Master of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Nowadays, entrepreneurship activities in Indonesia are still low, especially in agriculture. A country's economy increases if an individual or the human resources are doing business in agriculture. This study analyses factors affecting East Java agricultural students' intention in agriculture. This study was conducted at three state universities in East Java, including Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” University, Brawijaya University and Trunojoyo University. The sampling technique is voluntary sampling with a total of 150 students. The sample criteria are agricultural students who are still active. The analysis method uses SEM-PLS with the help of SmartpLS 3.0 tools. The results of this study indicate that attitudes towards behaviour, subjective norms and behavioural control have a positive and significant effect on the intentions of East Java students to become entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector.
intention entrepreneurship, attitude to behaviour, subjective norm, behavioural control.
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