The Effect of Public Satisfaction in Public Services with Variables Mediated By Perceptions of Uu No.33 and 34 of 1964
(Case Research at Pt.Jasa Raharja as the Represent of Surabaya)
Tri Yuniati
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya
The purpose of the reseach was to determine the effect of public satisfaction on public services at PT.Jasa Raharja as the represent of Surabaya which was mediated by the perception of the insurance constitution (UU no 33 and 34 of 1964). This is a type of comparative causal research using a quantitative approach, using primary data supported by a questionnaire tool with public respondents in the management of insurance services, in this case the heirs/families of accident victims in making claims for compensation to PT Jasa Raharja as the represent of Surabaya.The population in this reseach cannot be determined (Infinite Population). so that way the sampling method used Nonprobability Sampling which is a sampling technique by not providing the same opportunity for each element or member of the population to be selected as a sample, with a set sample of 52 respondents who during data collection they carried out the management of compensation at least 2 times. the questionnaire as an instrument was processed using the SEM approach of Warp PLS 6.0.The result of reseach showed service quality, trustment, had a positive impact on the level of satisfaction of the people who used the services of PT Jasa Raharja as the Represent of Surabaya, but the responsibility for using the services had a negative impact on the level of public satisfaction, service quality and trust in mediating perceptions of insurance constitution policies. has a positive and significant impact on the level of public satisfaction, while the responsibility mediated by the perception of the insurance constitution policy has a negative and significant impact on the level of public satisfaction.Recently, it was found that the level of public satisfaction with accident insurance services at PT Jasa Raharja as the Represent of Surabaya depends on the behavior of company employees in providing services.
Service Quality, Trustment, Responsibility, Public Satisfaction.
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