Factors Influencing the Whistleblowing System in the Government of Jakarta Capital Special Region, Indonesia
1Rasyid Mei Mustafa,
2Bagus Aryana Gumilang,
3Eko Suyono,
4Adi Wiratno,
5Atiek Sri Purwati,
6Irianing Suparlinah
1,2,3,4,5,6Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
This study aims to examine factors influencing the whistleblowing system in the governmental institution (i.e., attitude-behavior, norm values, and employee solidarity) which is represented by the government of Jakarta Capital Special Region (Daerah Khusus Ibukota/DKI). A quantitative approach is used to collect the data by giving questionnaires to the respondents in all institutions of regional apparatus of the work unit (satuan kerja perangkat daerah/SKPD) in Jakarta with the total sample selected being 42. Respondents were selected using a puIDRosive sampling method where one SKPD was given one questionnaire. The findings show that all of the independent variables (i.e., attitude-behavior, norm values, and employee solidarity) do not have an influence on the occurrence of whistleblowing in SKPD of Jakarta Capital Special Region. The implication of this research is the need to install knowledge in employees about the meaning of the whistleblowing system, increase the role of norms that regulate employee mindsets, and increase the awareness of fellow employees about creating an anti-fraud culture. It is important to consider the aspect of culture in future studies.
Attitude behaviors, employee solidarity, fraud, norm values, whistleblowing systems.
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