The Influence of Human Resource Capability and Performance Allowances on Employee Work Performance at the Directorate of Regional Budget Planning, Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, Ministry of Home Affairs Indonesia
Pandji Sukmana
Universitas Krisnadwipayana
Campus Unkris Jatiwaringin PO BOX 7774/Jat CM Jakarta 13077, Indonesia
This study aimed to determine and examine the effect of the ability of human resources and performance allowances individually and collectively on the work performance of employees at the Directorate of Regional Budget Planning, Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, Ministry of Home Affairs. The research method uses a survey with a quantitative correlational approach, and the sampling technique is simple random sampling, namely simple random sampling. The population in this study was 52 employees of the Directorate of Regional Budget Planning, Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, and Ministry of Home Affairs, while the sample taken in this study was 52. Data analysis used multiple linear regression.
The study results: a) From the results of the first hypothesis test, it was obtained that the magnitude of the effect was 65.4%, while other factors influenced the remaining 34.6%. Then the significant test (t-test) count 9,730 > table 1,675. The first hypothesis is accepted (Ha) means that there is a positive and significant influence on the ability of human resources on employees' work performance at the Directorate of Regional Budget Planning, Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, Ministry of Home Affairs. b) The results of the second hypothesis test obtained the magnitude of the effect of 79.6%, while other factors influenced the remaining 20.4%. Then the significant test (t-test) count 13,954 > table 1,675. The second hypothesis is accepted (Ha) means that there is a positive and significant influence between performance allowances on employee performance at the Directorate of Regional Budget Planning, Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, Ministry of Home Affairs. c) The results of the third hypothesis test obtained the magnitude of the effect of 80.8%, while other factors influenced the remaining 19.2%. Then the significant test (F test) Fount 103,107 > F-table 4.03. The third hypothesis is accepted (Ha) means that there is a positive and significant influence between the ability of human resources and performance allowances on employee performance. Performance allowances have a dominant influence compared to the ability of human resources on employee performance at the Directorate of Regional Budget Planning, Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, Ministry of Home Affairs.
Human Resource Ability, Performance Allowance, and Employee Work Achievement
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