Develop HR Contingency Strategies to Deal with Situations Similar to Covid-19 in Future in Jordan
Ahmad Ali Almohtaseb
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
The study aims to explore the importance of developing HR contingency strategies in dealing with situations like Covid-19 in the future. For this purpose, the primary quantitative data collection technique was applied using a structured survey questionnaire. The sampling size of the research was 300 respondents, which includes the general manager and vice president of industrial companies listed on the Amman financial market. The data were analysed using SPSS software. The test that was executed on the gathered data includes frequency analysis, reliability analysis and regression analysis. The estimated results show that developing remote operational policies can help sustain organisational performance in times of crisis such as a pandemic (P-value<0.05). Meanwhile, developing lean HR policies can help sustain organisational operations and performance in times of Pandemic (P-value<0.05). Therefore, the study concluded that developing HR contingency strategies has significant importance particularly in dealing with similar situations like Covid-19.
HR Contingency Strategies, Covid-19, Organisational Performance, Lean HR policies, Remote Operational Policies, HR Practices
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