Measuring User Readiness of Kartu Tani on Technology Readiness Index (TRI) in Sumenep District
1Laras Nur Fitriani, 2Darsono, 3Umi Barokah
1,2,3Department of Master Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Ir. Sutami Street No. 36, Ketingan, Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 57126
The government program related to Kartu Tani aims to provide welfare to farmers. However, until now it hasn't been realized, meaning that not all farmers accept the innovations given by the government. Measure user readiness to use Kartu tani to determine the success of implementing the technology. This study aims to determine a certain technical readiness index for Kartu Tani in Sumenep District. Almost all of the data were collected from farmers by a simple random sampling method using Hair 85 valid sample in Sumenep District. The measurement method used is TRI made with the four variables of optimism, innovation, discomfort, and insecurity. It is found that the preparation level of Kartu tani users is at a medium level of technical preparation, with a value of 3.33. The farmers' TRI value is considered to be moderate and needs to be improved.
kartu tani, user readiness, subsidized fertilizer
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