Eco-Tourism: Concepts and Application by Smart Rural Areas: Case Study in Trenggalek, East Java
1Ni Wayan Sri Aryani,2 Sherlinda Octa Yuniarsa
1Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana, Bali Province
2Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Brawijaya
Indonesia has a good tourist market, East Java is an island that has a very magnificent of tourism potential, then Trenggalek is particular as a tourist-magnet in South East Java. Several southern regions such as Trenggalek appear to play a huge role in sustaining economic growth, especially in the southern coastal areas. This several factors have supported by environment, knowledge, and expertise of the local population through the economy. Particularly in Trenggalek and generally in East Java is to apply the concept of international education with a package tour for tourism development in the short and long term as well. In this case, how to make local people economically profit in the sustaining tourism progress, how to develop eco-tourism programs and products meets the needs of tourist market and how to promote the concepts of cultural education. The methodology use a site visits with capability to quickly act and growth some innovation. The results of this study provide some several choices of answers a concepts and applications that be able to show entrepreneur potential in Trenggalek, East Java. Some concepts have 4 components, such as tourism destinations, tourism communication between local people and local government, tourism good services, and also value change. For the over time, local people in Trenggalek area will be more confident displaying their expertise. They can introduce about how to develop culture through creative learning programs with domestic tourists. There is a flow chart for some tourists to get a location using a smart village technology, it learn together about tourism for business, such as making business processed by making batik (culture), and learning for java language (education). So, some concepts and applications it can joined by local citizens, government, and stakeholders to change for ecotourism. Because a survival for ecotourism is depend on earth. Hopefully, an expectation can be applied in East Java by using a smart village, specifically for tourists to increase a economic growth.
Eco-Tourism, Development, Smart Village, East Java
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