Psychosocial Work Environment and Employees’ Performance in Nigerian Oil and Gas Firms
1OSAZEVBARU Henry Osahon(Ph.D),2AGBOR Ebipade
1,2Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka.
This study investigated the effect of psychosocial work environment on the performance of employees of eight (8) oil and gas firms in Nigeria. Survey research design was used and questionnaire was the major data collection instrument which was administered to employees of oil and gas firms. Four (4) psychosocial work environment dimensions (proactive work behaviour, interpersonal relationship, feeling of safety, and job engagement) were used and data obtained were analyzed via descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The simple regression results established positive relationships between employee performance and proactive work behavior, interpersonal relationships, and feeling of safety. For job engagement variable, a negative effect was established. The study recommended that management of oil and gas firms should use proactive work behaviours such as motivational incentives to improve employees’ performance. Also, management should use other options of engaging employees on the job via creating a conducive, safe and less hazardous work environment for employees.
Proactive work behaviour, Feeling of safety, Interpersonal relationship, Job engagement, Workplace environment
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